jag är helt frälst i randiga tapeter och möbler, och funderar fortfarande vad jag ska göra med min soffa... men, jag tror att det börjar luta mot det mörka. jag har vit soffa idag, och en hårig kompis {katten alltså}, en viss ovana att dricka kaffe {och rödvin} och äta middag sittandes på vita soffan, så det kanske vore smart att ha en mörkare soffa. hursom, jag är glad att jag har bestämt mig för att lägga till lite ränder i mitt annars så väldigt orandiga hem.
i'm so into stripes on wallpapers and furniture, and still concider what to do with my sofa... but, i'm feeling like it's starting to lean toward the dark one. i have a white sofa today, and a hairy friend { the cat i mean }, a habit of drinking my coffee { and red wine } and eat dinner sitting on the coach... so it would probably be good idea to get a dark one. anyhow, i'm glad i decided to add some stripes into my otherwise so non-stripey home.

i'm a huge fan of stripes too! i'd love to have some in my bathroom.
I love stripes too! I would like a white & cream or white & grey stripes walpaper for my bedroom.
Tina, ooh la la YOUR blog! Wow...it's beautiful. Thanks so much for your kind comment on my site this morning. Glad you directed me to yours! :)
Stripes are totally hot. And I'm head over heels in love with that second room. I'm going to have to borrow it for future reference! :)
Love the soft grey stripes.
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